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阻挠的英文翻译 阻挠英文怎幺说 阻挠的英文例句




    to thwart
    to obstruct (sth)

thwart [θwɔ:t]

    adj.横放的 vt.反对,阻碍,横过 adv.prep.横过 n.[船]横坐板

obstruct [әb'strʌkt]

    v.阻隔,阻塞,遮断(道路、通道等) n.阻碍物,障碍物


    abbr 缩写 = South: Sth Pole, eg on a map 南极(如标于地图上的)


阻挠,阻碍阻挠;障碍A hindrance; an obstacle.阻挠…的希望或计画To frustrate the hopes or plans of.但他们却受到员警的无理阻挠,不准进人休息室。However they were unreasonably stopped by the police from entering the lounge.国际争吵和冷战蓄意阻挠的时代终于结束了。The era of international bickering and cold war obstructionism has finally ended.领导们决意要阻挠她。The leaders were determined to thwart her.任何单位和个人不得限制和阻挠。No units or individuals shall obstruct or restrict them.石油公司会出来阻挠吗?Will oil companies stand in the way?使失败妨碍成功;阻挠To prevent from being successful; thwart.在执行法案时通常最常见的就是蓄意阻挠。Obstructionism is generally most evident at the stage of implementing a law.中国政府的上述主张受到当时美国政府的阻挠。These propositions of the chinese government met with obstruction by the u.s.government.阻挠在立法机构中採用阻碍策略To use obstructionist tactics in a legislative body.阻挠在立法机构中採用阻碍策略。To use obstructionist tacticsin a legislative body.


为阻挠议案通过而作冗长发言 filibuster

用咳嗽声阻挠 cough down

阻挠 frustrate; obstruct; stand in the way; thwart

阻挠承包人 impede a contractor in)

阻挠计画的实现 put girt in the machine; put grit in the machine

