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实践的英文翻译 实践英文怎幺说 实践的英文例句




    to practice
    to put into practice
    to fulfill

practice [præktis]


put [put]

    vt.放,摆,安置,表达,迫使,移动,提出,赋予 vi.出发,航行,发芽,击 n.掷,投击,笨蛋,怪人 vbl.put的过去式和过去分词 adj.固定不动的

into [intu]



一个实践魔法或巫术的人。One who practices magic or sorcery.一个新的科学理论的提出,都是总结、概括实践经验的结果。Any new scientific theory is a summation of practical experience.以实践经验为基础的知识Knowledge which bottoms upon practical experience在国际金融市场上,索罗斯实践了波普尔的思想。And soros has put popper's ideas into practice in international financial market.


从实践学习 learning by doing

会计的理论的实践 theory and practice of accounting

先例性实践 precedent legal practice

军事法律实践 practice of military law

司法实践 judicial practice

嗣后实践 subsequent practice

在实践中 in practice

实践 practice

实践中 in practice

实践合同 real contract

实践学习 learning by doing

实践性民事法律行为 real civil legal act

实践性法律行为 real act

实践水準 practical level

实践法律行为 practical juristic act

实践的 practical

实践经验丰富 knew a thing or two

实践解释 interpretation by practice

实践证明是可取的 tried and true

实践证明是比较好的 be good practice

审判实践课程 trial practice courses

执行实践 executive practice

把...付诸实践 put in practice

把理论和实践结合起来 integrate theory with practice

指导性实践 instructive legal practice

日常性实践 daily legal practice

最佳实践方法 best practicable means

最佳管理实践 best management practices

根据实践 in accordance with practice

法律实践 legal practice

