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最低工资的英文翻译 最低工资英文怎幺说 最低工资的英文例句



[zuìdī gōngzī]

    minimum wage;subsistence wages

minimum [minimәm]

    adj.最小的,最低的 n.最小值,最小化

wage [weidʒ]

    n.[常pl.] 工资 v.发动

subsistence [sәb'sistәns]



除试用期之外,见习期间的工资也不能低于最低工资标準。Except probation the salary between novitiate also cannot under minimum wage standard.而联邦最低工资水準的购买力自1949年以来已经降至了最低点。The buying power of the federal minimum wage rate is at its lowest point since1949.雇主必须依法支付最低工资。Employers are legally obliged to pay the minimum wage.国家实行最低工资保障制度。The state institutes the minimum wage protection system.即将制定新的最低工资。A new minimum wage is to be set.你连最低工资都不配拿You don't deserve minimum wage.所以其他有些人支持将提高最低工资作为最佳解决方案的候补方案。So others support a higher minimum wage as a second-best solution.他们要求提高最低工资。They are calling for a boost in the minimum wage.争取全国最低工资制运动;Campaign for a national minimum wage;政府关心的是看到最低工资保持在维持生活水準之上。Governments have an interest in seeing minimum wages kept above subsistence level.


仅够维持生活的最低工资,仅能维持生活的工资 subsistence wages; living wages

工会接受的最低工资率 union rate

最低工资 minimum wage; wage floor; fall back pay; minimum salary

最低工资保障 minimum wage guarantee

最低工资保障制度 minimum wage guarantee system

最低工资制度 minimum wage system

最低工资标準 minimum wage criterion; minimum wage level

最低工资法 minimum wage act; minimum wage law

最低工资法案 minimum wage law

最低工资浮动下限 bottom level of wage fluctuation

最低工资立法 minimum wage legislation

法定最低工资 legal minimum wage; minimum wage

维持生活的最低工资 subsistence wage

