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视而不见的英文翻译 视而不见英文怎幺说 视而不见的英文例句




    to turn a blind eye to
    to ignore

turn [tә:n]

    n.转动,旋转,转变方向,轮流,时机,(一)回,倾向,癖性 v.(使)转动,翻转,扭转,(使)变质,超过(年龄,数量等),车(成)

blind [blaind]

    adj.瞎的,盲目的 vt.使失明,缺乏眼光或判断力

eye [ai]

    n.眼睛,视力,眼光,观点,见解,眼状物,风吹来的方向,[气]风眼 vt.看,注视,在...上打眼


大多数人对万物之间的相关性视而不见。Most of us are blind to this interconnectedness of everything.他对她的无知视而不见。He blinked at her ignorance.一些人一边鼓吹节欲一边却对一夫多妻,通姦和摧残生殖器的行为视而不见。Some preach abstinence yet turn a blind eye to polygamous marriages adultery and genital mutilation.有12年的光景,我国不幸有个视而不见,听而不闻,无所作为的政府。For twelve years this nation was afflicted with hear-nothing see-nothing do-nothing government.“他一边穿衣一边想着这个问题。他在他和妻子共同的卧室里走动,对她视而不见。He dressed thinking.he moved about in the same chamber with his wife unmindful of her presence.更糟糕的是,他对政治态势的变化视而不见。Worse he had a tin ear for the political mood.脑海里百无聊赖,那猴子以视而不见的目光向笼子外面看着。Bored out of its mind the monkey stares out of the cage with unseeing eyes.她以视而不见的目光凝望着海港。She was gazing with unseeing eyes at the harbour.只要能够对皱纹视而不见,Once you get past a wrinkle or two


视而不见 shut one''s eyes to

