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使出的英文翻译 使出英文怎幺说 使出的英文例句




    to use
    to exert

use [ju:z]

    vt.使用,利用,耗费 n.使用,利用,用途,效用,使用价值

exert [ig'zә:t]

    vt.尽(力),施加(压力等),努力 v.发挥,竭尽全力,尽


一个新的天使出现了!A new angel has come along!在最后的关头,小葛使出最强的虚闪。At the last moment grimmjow uses his strongest cero.杰斯珀•帕尼维克使出浑身解数,但是将球击进了水障碍区。Jesper parnevik gave it his best but he found the water hazard.他们使出这些邪恶的诡计,丢了他们自己的脸。They degraded themselves by performing unnatural tricks.


使出名 set one''s mark on

使出干劲 get hit one''s stride; get into one''s stride; hit her stride; hit his stride; hit my stride; hit our stride; hit their stride; hit your stride

使出庭 have up

使出最恶劣的手段 did her worst; did his worst; did my worst; did our worst; did their worst; did your worst; do her worst; do his worst; do my worst; do our worst; do their worst; do your worst; done her worst; done his worst; done my worst

使出现 being into being; bring into sight

使出租者收到的租费少于出租设备的全部购买价格租约 nonpayout lease

使出绝招 play our best card

用魔法使出现 conjure up

通过...使出汗 sweat by

