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市场调查的英文翻译 市场调查英文怎幺说 市场调查的英文例句




    market research

market [ma:kit]

    n.市场,销路,行情 vt.在市场上交易,使上市 vi.在市场上买卖

research [ri'sә:tʃ]

    n.研究,调查 vi.研究,调查


行业市场调查,收集有用的市场讯息。Industry market rescearch and useful market information collecting.凯声称,他们所作的市场调查表明,Kaye claims the market survey they did shows a big potential你的市场调查有什幺新发现?What findings have you got from the market survey?他们没有市场调查供借鑒。There was no market research to guide them.为举例说明这种理论,我们来做这些市场调查。To exemplify this theory let us do a market survey.我对市场调查的方法不满意。I'm not satisfied with the way to conduct the market survey.我们雇了一名市场调查员,来探明人们真正想要从有线电视系统得到什幺。We've employed a market researcher to find out what people really want from a cable tv system.我们已经对这种产品做了市场调查。We have done a market survey on this product.我们在七月作了一项市场调查。We conducted a market survey in july.我们正在进行一项市场调查。We are conducting a market research.相反,他们委託下属做更多的市场调查。Instead they commissioned more market research.这是市场调查报告。Here is the market research report.


商业企业市场调查 market survey made by commercial enterprises

多项市场调查 omnibus survey

对内市场调查 inward market research

对外市场调查 outward market research

市场调查 marketing survey; marketing research; market survey; market research

市场调查与销售预测 market survey and selling forecast

市场调查公司 market research corporation

市场调查法 market survey method

市场调查程式 market survey procedures

市场调查资料,市场回馈 market feedback

日本市场调查研究所 Japan Marketing Research Institute Inc.

美国市场调查公司,美国市场研究公司 Market Research Corporation of America

