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势必的英文翻译 势必英文怎幺说 势必的英文例句




    to be bound to
    undoubtedly will

bound [baund]

    n.跃进,跳,範围,限度 adj.正要启程的,开往...去的,被束缚的,装订的 v.跳跃,限制

undoubtedly [ʌn'dautidli]


will [wil]

    n.意志,决心,意向,遗嘱 v.aux.将,愿意,必须


有时候,我更愿意保持缄默,因为一旦提出异议,势必会得罪他人。Sometimes I prefer to say nothing because to raise an objection may cause an offence.这势必将我们带回古希腊,特别是回到亚里斯多德的德性伦理学。That leads us back to the ancient greek and especially aristotelian ethics of virtue.这一方针势必会使党与工会发生纠纷。This course would inevitably embroil the party with the unions.追求享乐势必耗尽他的精力。The pursuit of pleasure threatened to dissipate his energies.自然资源保护和农业发展最终势必要引起冲突。Conservation and agriculture are set on an eventual collision course.採取这些措施势必使那两集团永远对立。These measures will perpetuate the hostility between the two group.法院这一新方针,势必产生许可权不明的情况。The effect of the court's new departure was to create a twilight zone of authority.如果他不到,这会势必延期至下星期。In the event of his not arriving the meeting will be put off to next week.这本书畅销,我们势必要加印一万册。The book sold like hot cakes and we had to print another ten thousand copies.这无疑是一种社会邪恶,势必遭到人们的强烈反对。This was an undoubted social evil against which many voices were to be raised.


势必 cannot help but; couldnot help but; two to one; upon my sam

势必出现 there bound to be

势必受罚 be for it; be in for it

