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攥的英文翻译 攥英文怎幺说 攥的英文例句



    to hold
    to grip
    to grasp

hold [hәuld]

    n.把握,把持力,柄,控制,监禁,掌握,货舱 vt.拿着,保存,支援,佔据,持有,拥有 vi.支持,保持,有效 n.控制,保留

grip [grip]

    vt.紧握,紧夹 n.掌握,控制,把手 v.抓住


他已把老闆攥在自己的手心里。He's got his boss eating out of the palm of his hand.那个女孩手里紧紧攥着妈妈给她的钱。The money her mother gave was clenched tightly in the girl's hand.她攥着一把刀。She was clasping a knife.我攥紧拳头向他击去。I clenched my fist and hit him.你会攥钱的。You'll be raking in the money.他的手里攥着一条皱纹纸製成的带子,带子的另一端系在一根柱子上。He was holding one end of a ribbon of crepe paper tied to a post.在这部电影里,一个攥着一把链锯的男人杀气腾腾、兇狂之极。In the film a man clutching a chain saw runs spectacularly amok.思嘉听到这话,顿时两眼冒火,两只手不停地攥拳头。Scarlett's eyes began to snap fire and her hands to clench and unclench.他不停地把手攥紧又鬆开,一边又喃喃自语。He was clasping and unclasping his hands and muttering word.她的双手象抽风似地一会儿攥紧,一会儿伸开。She opened and clenched her hands spasmodically.婴儿总是把拳头攥得紧紧的。Babies often have a strong hold.

