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事事的英文翻译 事事英文怎幺说 事事的英文例句



[shì shì]


everything [evriθiŋ]



这些年轻人整天无所事事,只会灌黄汤。All these lads do is loll about and booze.比尔无所事事地消磨了他的时间。Bill passed his time in doing nothing.茶花这东西有点特性,水壤气候,事事都得细心。They thrive only in suitable soil and a temperate climate.贵格会教徒强调事事简朴的重要性。Quakers emphasize the importance of simplicity in all things.还是无所事事地在屋子里喝咖啡…Or sit around drinking coffee in the one house...诺蒂今天事事不顺。Nothing goes right for noddy today.如果你事事都注意细节If you think through every last detail...他一生无所事事--完全是个废人。He'll never do anything with his life--he's a complete waster.在其他国家,那些有地位的人可能会过一种炫耀的无所事事的生活。In other countries those with hereditary wealth may lead lives of ostentatious indolence.祝你在新的一年里事事一帆风顺!Wish you everything to be plain sailing throughout the coming year!


事事为自己打算 draw water to her mill; draw water to his mill; draw water to my mill; draw water to our mill; draw water to their mill; draw water to your mill; drawm water to their mill; drawn water to her mill; drawn water to his mill

事事听命于 tie to one''s apron strings

刑事事件 criminal matter

坐着无所事事 sit about

无所事事 idle about; idle around; loll about; loll around; muck about

无所事事地度过 lounge away

领事事务秘书 consular secretary

