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总需求的英文翻译 总需求英文怎幺说 总需求的英文例句




    aggregate demand

aggregate [ægrigeit]

    n.合计,总计,集合体 adj.合计的,集合的,聚合的 v.聚集,集合,合计

demand [di'ma:nd; (-) di'mænd]

    n.要求,需求(量),需要 v.要求,需要,要求知道,查询


第4季度总需求的增长。An increase in aggregate demand for the fourth quarter.失业的原因在于总需求不足。The cause of unemployment was inadequate aggregate demand.我要回去确定我们的总需求量,然后会儘快联繫你们。I will go back to confirm the aggregate demand and contact you soon.预算赤字增加使总需求扩大。An increase in the budget deficit boosts aggregate demand.运用这一方法,我们可以抽掉总需求中不断变化的因素。Using this approach we can abstract from fluctuation in aggregate demand.在这里,人们论述的是国民产出的总供给和总需求的决定。Here one is dealing with the determinants of aggregate supply and demand for national output.这会减少对商品和服务的总需求量,因而是对付通货膨胀的一种方法。Because this reduces aggregate demand for goods and services it is a method for fighting inflation.


国内总需求结构 aggregate domestic demand structure

国内总需求预测 total domestic demand forecast

国民总需求 gross national demand

国民需要总额,国民总需求 gross national demand GND)

总需求 overall demand; total demand

总需求价格 aggregate demand price

总需求函数 aggregate demand function

总需求量 aggregate demand; total demand; gross requirements

有效总需求 total effective demand

每种商品的产业部门总需求 total industrial demand for each commodity

社会总需求 total demand of society; total social demand

社会总需求与社会总供给的平衡 balance between total demand and total supply of society

积累总需求行为参数 aggregate demand behavioral parameter

累积总需求价格 aggregate demand price

货币总需求 aggregate monetary demand

