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实盘的英文翻译 实盘英文怎幺说 实盘的英文例句



[shí pán]

    firm offer;offer with engagement;firm quotation

firm [fә:m],(合伙)商号 adj.结实的,坚硬的,坚定的,坚固的,牢固的,稳固的,严格的 vt.使牢固,使坚定 vi.变稳固,变坚实 adv.稳固地,坚定地

offer [ɔfә(r); (-) ɔ:fәr]

    n.出价,提议,意图 vt.提供,出价,贡献,使出现,企图,演出 vi.(机会、时机等)出现,献祭,提议

engagement [in'geidʒmәnt]



如你不能接受电告的最优惠实盘,就得接受以5美分,保留两天有效期的选择权。Have you obtained option for two days at5¢; if cannot accept wire firm offer at best.贵公司可否以电报确认实盘?Can you obtain firm offer subject to cable reply?递实盘规则即在开标后的合理时间内实盘不可撤销原则。Firm bid rule principle that a bid is irrevocable for a reasonable time after bid opening.何时能给我发实盘?When can I get a firm offer?灰市:指未发实盘的债券市场。Grey market; gray market: market in bonds that have not been given a firm price.什幺时候贵方才能确定实盘?When can you decide a firm offer?我们的实盘有效期为48小时。Our firm offer stands good for48hours.我们已接受了你们报的实盘。We have accepted your firm offer.我们已收到了你们报的实盘。We hae accepted your firm offer.现在向您报实盘。Now I can give you our firm offer.兹报实盘以你星期五複到为准100000吨棉花每磅24便士亚曆山德里船上交货价二月装船。Offer firm reply here friday1 00000 tons cotton24pences propound fob alexandria feb shipment.


实盘 firm offer; firm quotation; offer with engagement

实盘交易 firm bargain

报...最低实盘 make best possible firm offer

报实盘 offer firm

最低实盘 best possible firm offer

还实盘 counter offer firm

递实盘 firm bid

非实盘 non firm offer

