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适路的英文翻译 适路英文怎幺说 适路的英文例句



[shì lù]

    suit the needs

suit [su:t]

    v.合适,适合,相配,合式,适宜于 n.一套衣服

needs [nɪdz]

    adv (arch or rhet 古或修辞) (used only with must, often indicating sarcasm 只与must连用, 常含讥讽之意) 1 of necessity; from a sense of personal obligation 必要地; 偏要; 偏偏; 非得: He must needs break a leg just before we go on holiday, ie It was a foolish action causing great inconvenience. 我们正要去度假, 他却偏偏摔断了腿. 2 (idm 习语) ,needs ,must when the ,devil `drives (saying 谚) one is sometimes forced by circumstances to do what one does not want to do 情势所迫, 只得去做

