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总产量的英文翻译 总产量英文怎幺说 总产量的英文例句




    total output

total [tәut(ә)l]

    n.总数,合计 adj.总的,全部的,整个的 v.合计,总数达,达到

output [autput]



年度原油总产量超过10万吨至15万吨的部分,费率为2%;For the portion of annual gross output of crude oil from1 00000 to150000tons the rate shall be2%;缩短空胎期,增长産乳期,增加牛乳总产量。Shortening period of empty embryo; prolonging period of galactopoiesis; increasing yield of milk.1997年,中国海洋捕捞总产量1385。4万吨。In1997the total output of china's ocean fishing industry came to13.854million tons.2004年粮食总产量约1955。3万吨。The total output of crops in2004was about19553000tons.今年粮食总产量大约一百万公斤。The total output of grain this year is something like one million kilograms.全年粮食总产量达到4。9亿吨以上。The total output of grain for the whole nation was over490million tons.下面哪一项会降低经济的总产量?Which of the following will decrease the economy's total output?在1932年和1936年期间总产量增长37%。Between1932and1936 total output rose by37percent.


人均总产量 per capita gross product

农业总产量 gross farm output; gross output of agriculture

农作物总产量 total output of crops

工业总产量 gross output of industry

建筑业总产量,建筑业总产出 total output of building industry; gross output of building

总产量 total output; total quantity of output; total quantity produced; total production; gross crop; gross product; aggregate output; ultimate production; gross output

总产量曲线 total product curve

总产量计画 production planning for aggregate ou tput

畜牧业总产量 gross output of cattle breeding

