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棕色的英文翻译 棕色英文怎幺说 棕色的英文例句



[zōng sè]


brown [braun]

    n.褐色 adj.褐色的,棕色的 v.(使)成褐色,晒黑


一种清亮油质的棕色甲酚肥皂溶液,用作防腐剂和消毒剂。A clear oily brown solution of cresols in soap; used as an antiseptic and disinfectant.用蝴蝶结拢束在她颈背处的棕色长髮。Long brown hair caught in a bow at the nape of her neck.用棕榈树液製成的未经精炼的棕色糖。Unrefined brown sugar made from palm sap.有人给了他一些旧衣服--一件廉价的棕色上衣和一条不合身的裤子。Some old garments had been given him--a cheap brown coat and misfit pair of trousers.在本世纪中期的伦敦,受污染的棕色大气遮蔽了冬日的阳光。In the middle of this century in london tainted brown air obscured the winter sun.在你给这些架子上清漆前,先使用深栎棕色染色剂。Use a dark oak stain on the shelves before you varnish them.在秋天,这些树林呈现一片和谐的红色,棕色和黄色。In the fall the woods is a symphony in red brown and yellow.直烤到馅饼皮变成浅棕色。Bake until the pie crust is golden brown.左侧是正常的棕色睾丸的边缘。A rim of normal brown testis appears at the left.


棕色内障 brown cataract

棕色平面包装纸 pure kraft paper

棕色平面牛皮纸 unglazed pure kraft paper

棕色底片 van dyke negative

棕色氧化钨 tungsten dioxide

棕色炸药 brown powder

棕色玻璃 brown glass

棕色直接染皮 Cathay tan brown

棕色石灰土 terra fusca亚热带石灰岩地区碳酸盐淋溶明显,土体无或有轻微石灰反应,游离铁较高,并有铁锰结核,石质接触面有白色碳酸盐化根系,呈中性反应的黄棕色至棕色土壤。

棕色调显影液 brown-tone developer

棕色针叶林土 brown coniferous forest soil寒温带山地针叶林下冻融回流淋澱型夏季表层解冻时,铁、铝随下行水流淋 澱;秋季表层开始结冻时,随上行水流表聚)棕色土壤。

橙棕色 orange brown

深棕色调色法 sepia toning

