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纵的的英文翻译 纵的英文怎幺说 纵的的英文例句



[zòng de]


longitudinal [lɔŋdʒitju:din(ә)l]



我决定对他那放纵的言论不予理睬。I decided to ignore his intemperate remarks.由一群律师所操纵的政府可能是心胸最狭窄的。A government in the hands of a close corporation of lawyers is likely to be the most narrow-minded.造成我这一代人如此抑郁的对自我放纵的反省。The self-indulgent instropection which was so much the malaise of my generation.芝加哥有一种很象斯托里维尔那样自由和放纵的气氛。Chicago had a free-and-easy atmosphere much like that of storyville.残暴的性情或行为狂暴或放纵的Violent or unrestrained in temperament or behavior.放纵的怒火;放纵的情绪;放纵的怒火。Unbridled rage; an unchecked temper; ungoverned rage.假人,动物布偶口技表演者操纵的假人或假动物A figure of a person or an animal manipulated by a ventriloquist.散漫的行为;放纵的年轻人。Undisciplined behavior; ungoverned youth.提线木偶:从上空提线操纵或藉缚在控制器上的细线而操纵的木偶形体。Marionette: puppet figure manipulated from above by strings attached to a wooden cross or control.轴距和车道宽度也是影响车辆操纵的非常重要的因素。The wheelbase and track widths are also very important factors affecting the handling of a vehicle.


人操纵的飞行器 n. manned vehicle

动力操纵的门 power operated door

压力操纵的 pressure-operated

放纵的 unbridled

无线电操纵的 radio controlled

机械手操纵的 manipulatoroperated

气动操纵的 gas operated

用缆索操纵的 bable operated

电子电脑操纵的自动化生产 computer-aided manufacturing CAM)

电磁操纵的 solenoid operate

私人操纵的企业 privately owned and operated business

纵的分析 cohort analysis

纵的劳工流动性 vertical mobility of labour

纵的竞争 vertical competition

纵的联合 vertical combination

被操纵的市场 rigged market

远距离操纵的 n. push button

