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驶出的英文翻译 驶出英文怎幺说 驶出的英文例句



[shǐ chū]

    to leave port
    to put off

leave [li:v]

    n.许可,同意,请假,休假 vt.离开,动身,剩下,遗忘,委託,遗弃 vi.出发,离开,生叶,动身

port [pɔ:t]

    n.港口,舱门,左舷,避风港,枪眼 vt.左转舵,持(枪) vi.转舵左 n.埠

put [put]

    vt.放,摆,安置,表达,迫使,移动,提出,赋予 vi.出发,航行,发芽,击 n.掷,投击,笨蛋,怪人 vbl.put的过去式和过去分词 adj.固定不动的


火车隆隆地驶出郊区。The train whooped out through the suburbs.计程车司机驾驶计程车供人租用的人One who drives a taxicab for hire.乘务员挥了挥旗子,而后列车驶出了车站。The guard waved his flag and the train pulled away from the station.从沃克车道驶出,一直向右行上坡,第三个红绿灯处继到密西根大道。Exit at wacker drive.stay to very right and go up ramp and proceed to third light michigan avenue.即在火车驶出站时才赶到车站,而你也因此上不去车的尴尬。When the train is drawing out of the station and being unable to get on it.我们的船一驶出恒比尔河The ship was no sooner gotten out of the humber一辆卡车突然驶出烟雾。A truck suddenly materialized out of the fog.计程车司机驾驶计程车的人A man who drives a taxicab.从通往特伦托的出口处驶出。Take the exit for trento.


从...驶出 sail out of

拖车及渡船驶进驶出运输 roll on-roll off traffic by trailer and ferry

驶出 heave out of; steam away; steam off

驶出匝道 exit ramp

驶出坡道 off ramp

驶出曲线 exit curve

驶出海面 gain an offing; take the offing

驶出港口 leave port

驶出的 off bound

驶出路外事故 run-off-road accident

驶出速度 exit opeed

驶进驶出型货柜船 roll on-roll off type containership

驶进驶出船 roll on-roll off vessel; RO-RO vesseel

驶进驶出装运 roll on-roll off shipment

驶进驶出,驶上驶下 roll on-roll off RO-RO)

