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饰边的英文翻译 饰边英文怎幺说 饰边的英文例句



[shì biān]

    ornamental border

ornamental [ɔ:nә'mәnt(ә)l]

    n.装饰物,观赏植物 adj.装饰性的,装饰的,装饰用的

border [bɔ:dә(r)]

    n.边界,国界,边,边沿,边境 vt.与...接壤,接近 v.接壤


她将之描述为红色的带有粉红色饰边。She described it as red with pink frills.护墙板加在室中墙上的饰边或板壁,常用木制A facing or paneling, usually of wood, applied to the walls of a room.穿这种饰边的宽鬆的衣服?Ln a frilly shirt and slacks?那个小女孩穿着一件有饰边的社交礼服。The little girl wore a frilly party dress.她身穿一件有饰边的白色连衣裙。She was wearing a white frilly dressl.蓝绿相间的扇形饰边图案。A blue and green scalloped design.我不想要镶有什幺饰边和荷叶边的婚礼服。I don't want a wedding dress with frills and flounces.


加穗饰边 fringed selvage

布列塔饰边 Breton edging

手工饰边花边 hair pin lace

白色凸线条饰边之细白棉麻纱口袋手帕 white cotton lawn pocket handkerchief,decorated with white corded borders

立式饰边缝纫机 vertical border sewing machine

罗纹饰边 rib trim

衣服饰边 flounce clothing

衣着饰边 border lace

陶瓷饰边机 machine for decorating rim of ceramic ware

饰边用狭花边 cloth braid

饰边粗丝线 cable silk

饰边花边 dressing selvedge lace

黄铜饰边 brass

