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    to sting

sting [stiŋ]

    n.刺,刺痛,针刺 v.刺,刺痛,刺激


一只大黄蜂在我的脸上螫了一下。A hornet stung me on the cheek.一只大黄蜂在我脸上螫了一下。A bumblebee stung me on the cheek.一只落在一朵花上的密蜂螫了一个孩子。A bee setting on a flower has stung a child.在罕见的情况下,被红火蚁螫刺后,更可能会引起致命的严重急性过敏反应。On rare occasions red fire ant stings can cause severe acute allergic reaction which can be fatal.这种乳膏含有一种性能平和的止痛剂,能缓解被毒虫螫咬后的疼痛。This cream contains a mild analgesic to soothe stings and bites.蜘蛛的螯角尖牙状结构,尤指蜘蛛的螫角A fanglike structure especially a chelicera of a venomous spider.黄蜂抓住蜘蛛就螫它们一下,使它们不能动弹。Wasps catch spiders and paralyse them with a sting.螫,叮用螫针螫To sting with a stinger.蝎子尾巴上有螫针。The scorpion has a sting in its tail.有些蜜蜂不螫人。Some bees do not sting.


螫伤 sting

螫毛 urticating hair刺毛,毒腺毛

螫针 sting螫刺

螫针腺 sting gland螫针腺

防蜂螫卡其手套 khaki bee gloves

