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power [pauә(r)]

    n.能力,力量,动力,权力,[数]幂,[物]功率 vt.使...有力量,供以动力,激励

influence [influәns]

    n.影响,感化,势力,有影响的人(或事),(电磁)感应 vt.影响,改变

potential [pә'tenʃ(ә)l]

    adj.潜在的,可能的,势的,位的 n.潜能,潜力,电压


上升趋势;(经济方面的)好转An upward trend; an upturn.一些拉丁美洲国家沦为美国的势力範围。Some latin american state fall within the usa's sphere of influence.一些趋势现在似乎清晰了。Some trends now seem clear.一些游客在国外通常用手势来让别人明白自己的意思Some tourists make themselves understood abroad by pantomime.一种不公平的优势。An unfair advantage over their children.


一般势差 general moment

一般趋势 general trend

一般趋势地 climatically

上升趋势 upward trend

上涨的趋势 upward tendency

上涨趋势 rising tendency

下跌趋势 downward tendency

下降趋势 falling tendency; downward trend; falling trend; downward tendency

不变趋势 constant trend

专业优势 professional advantages

世界人口趋势 world population trends

世界经济中的不对称形势 asymmetrical position in world economy

严格对角优势 strictly diagonal dominance

严重的局势 grave situation

中心恢复趋势 central restoring tendency

中断趋势 broken trend

主场优势 home court advantage

主要趋势 prevailing trend

习惯势力 force of habit

买方佔优势的市场 buyer''s market BM)

事物的趋势,事物的演进 course of events

二次极限感应电势 secondary limiting EMF

二级趋势 secondary trend

二项公配的离势 dispersion of binomial distribution

亚优势木 codominant tree

亚优势树种 subdominant tree species

亲和势 affinity

人口增长趋势 trend of population growth

人口趋势 population trend

人口趋势指标 indicators of demographic trend

