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侍的英文翻译 侍英文怎幺说 侍的英文例句



    to serve
    to attend upon

serve [sә:v]

    v.当僕人,服务,服役,供职,招待,侍候,供应,适合 n.发球

attend [ә'tend]

    vt.出席,参加,照顾,护理,注意 vi.专心,留意

upon [ә'pɔn]



唐重修内侍省碑Stele of reconstructing the buildings of the administration of palace affairs under the tang dynasty为了服侍劳伦斯大人,沙利夫To serve lord lawrence sherif.我们吃过之后,侍者又端来了另一份鱼。After we had finished the waiter came round with a second helping of fish.我们会服侍宝贝的主人... To serve the master of the precious.我喜欢那儿的那位女侍者。I like the waitress over there.我愿意服侍你,布兰奇,这样更有家的感觉I like to wait on you blanche it makes it seem more like home.心存怀疑的艾瑞克曼西欧是其中一人,他是吉萨瓦餐厅自学成功的首席酒侍。Among those who heeded the call is eric mancio the self-taught head sommelier at guy savoy.一个人不能侍奉两主。Men cannot serve two masters.由于伊莉莎白和玛丽在那个时候怀孕了,安娜就成了女侍者。Anna was the waiting maid with elizabeth and mary when they were heavy with child.有个侍从放了一张长凳在钢琴前。One of the servants put a bench in front of the spinet.在美国,心胸狭窄的官员,粗鲁的侍者,和没有礼貌的计程车司机也并不少见。Small-minded officials rude waiters and ill-ma ered taxi drivers are hardly unknown in the us.


侍从人员 attendants; retinue; tail

侍候 lacquey

侍卫 guard; imperial guard; usher

侍奉 in waiting

侍奉二主 serve two masters

侍者 waiter

女侍者 waitress

最惠国侍遇条款 most favored treatment clause

服侍 tend on; wait upon

服侍周到 wait on hand and foot

浴池侍者 n. bath boy

衡平法院的侍应官员 waiting clerks

黑杖侍卫 Black Rod

