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自来水的英文翻译 自来水英文怎幺说 自来水的英文例句




    running water
    tap water

running [rʌniŋ]

    n.奔跑,赛跑,转动,运转 adj.奔跑的,赛跑的,流动的,不断的,连续的,连接的

water [wɔ:tә(r)]

    n.水,雨水,海水,水位,水面,流体 vt.喷淋,供以水,注入水,使湿 vi.流泪,加水 adj.水的,水上的,水生的,含水的

tap [tæp]

    n.轻打,活栓,水龙头 vt.轻打,轻敲,敲打出,开发,分接,使流出,选择,攻螺纹于 vi.轻叩,轻拍,轻声走 n.(用複数)熄灯号


使用自来水当工作液。Using tap water as working fluid.他给我一本书,此外又给我一只自来水笔。He gave me a book and added thereto a fountain pen.他在自来水厂工作。He has a job at the waterworks.我能喝自来水吗?Can I drink the tap water?小学、地铁站和自来水厂A school a tube station and a water-treatment plant.有些地方甚至没有自来水。Destinations where there wasn't even running water.这儿能喝自来水吗?Can you drink the tap water here?自来水公司不得不减少浪费。Water companies have got to cut down on wastage.自来水是被加工过的。Process cheese; process hair; process water.


公用自来水系统 public water system

尖头自来水笔 stylo; stylograph

玻璃尖自来水笔 glass-nib fountain pen

真空自来水笔 vacuum fountain pen

给水率,自来水费 charge for water

自来水 treated water

自来水公司 water supplier; water utilities

自来水厂 waterworks

自来水塔 water tower

自来水工程系统 public water works system

自来水站 water works

自来水笔 fountain pen

自来水费 water rate

里昂自来水与照明公司 Lyonnaise des Eaux et d''Eclairage SLEE)

