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摄製的英文翻译 摄製英文怎幺说 摄製的英文例句




    to produce (a TV show etc)

produce [prɔdju:s]

    n.产物,农产品 vt.提出,出示,生产,製造,结(果实),引起,招致,创作


    n.电视 [域] Tuvalu ,图瓦鲁

show [ʃәu]

    n.表示,展览,炫耀,外观,假装 v.出示,指示,引导,说明,显示,展出,放映




特硬菲林(里斯型菲林):极高反差的正色菲林。适合摄製线条稿或複片等用途。Lith film: a high contrast orthograph used in graphic reproduction.由数码影机摄製完成。Was made using digital cameras.这电影是在苏格兰——大部分是在格拉斯哥一地摄製的。The film was made in scotland chiefly in glasgow.把摄製队由停车场送往拍摄地点…Moving crew from a parking area to the location...动画片的摄制动画片的製作艺术或过程The art or process of preparing animated cartoons.构造成光线被引入盘状容器或光谱摄製仪的折射式望远镜。A reflecting telescope so constructed that the light is led to a plate holder or spectrograph.镜头可调整,以摄製出放大或缩小的图像。The lens can be manipulated to produce an enlarged or reduced image.这部影片的摄製耗资二千万美元。The production of the film cost twenty million us dollars.最早的音乐录影之一是为女王的“波希米亚人狂想曲”摄製的。One of the first videos to be made was for queen's'bohemian rhapsody '.


中外合作摄製电影片许可证 permit for Sino-foreign cooperative shooting of cinematographic films

摄製图案美化陶瓷 photo ceram

摄製录影权 right to produce video programs

摄製权 right of production

摄製电影、电视、录影权 right to produce movie; TV and video programs

摄製电影权 right to produce movies

摄製电影许可证 license for producing movies

摄製电视权 right to produce TV programs

空军航摄製图局 Air Force Air Photographic and Charting Service

着作摄製电影权纠纷案 controversy over the right to shoot films over a work

电脑输出缩微胶片摄製术 computer output microfilming

