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捨弃的英文翻译 捨弃英文怎幺说 捨弃的英文例句




    to give up
    to abandon
    to abort

give [giv]

    n.弹性,可弯性 vt.给,授予,供给,献出,让步,引起,发表,捐助 vi.捐赠,让步

up [ʌp]

    adv.向上,到(较高的地方,北方),起来,起床 prep.向上,在上,沿 adj.向上的,上行的

abandon [ә'bændәn]



北京新流行语,离开,躲避,捨弃的意思。Shan-beijing new catchword which means leave avoid and discard.那等人捨弃正直的路,行走黑暗的道,Who give up the way of righteousness to go by dark roads;以法莲哪,我怎能捨弃你?How shall I give you up o ephraim?作为一个文人,弗雷泽往往为了讲究修辞而捨弃真实性。As a man of letters fraser tends to emphasise rhetoric at the expense of reality.超量字行:排字后,字行较预期多,现有篇幅不能容纳而需捨弃的多余字行。Overmaster: typeset matter which is too long to fit the space specified and so it must be cut.他捨弃了传统壁画法而运用自己的新技术,一种绘于石头上的蛋彩画法。Instead of fresco leonardo devised his own technique for mural painting a sort of tempera on stone.他永不捨弃他的朋友。He never abandoned his friends.她捨弃了外部世界,但在她的内心,她并没有屈服,没有洩气。She had let go the outer world but within herself she was unbroken and unimpaired.我们可用强光部分作为曝光标準而捨弃阴影部分。We expose for the highlights and let the shadow areas fall where they might.着名的学者现在都捨弃了那种观念。Reputable scholars have now abandoned the notion.


报酬捨弃率 cut off rate of return

数据捨弃 rejection of data

肖维涅捨弃判据 Chauvenet criterion for rejection

捨弃 abandon; give up

捨弃上诉权 give up the right of appeal

捨弃域 rejection region又称" 拒绝域"。

捨弃率 rejection absorptivity-emissivity

捨弃运算 deletion

