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自己动手的英文翻译 自己动手英文怎幺说 自己动手的英文例句



[zìjǐ dòngshǒu]

    help yourself (to something)
    work for yourself

help [help]

    n.帮忙,补救办法,助手,治疗,佣工 vt.帮助,助长,接济,治疗,款待 vi.有用,救命,招待 [计] 显示命令格式的简短概述

yourself [jɔ:'self; (-) juәr'self]


something [sʌmθiŋ]

    pron.某事,某物 adj.有点象,大约

work [wә:k]

    n.工作,劳动,操作,职业,[物]功,手工,作品,机件 v.(使)工作,(使)运转,起作用,造成,产生,经营,(使)渐渐移动,煆制


美国是真正“自己动手”的社会;America is truly a "do-it-yourself" society;你可以在网路上找到许多自己动手做木工的教学指南。You can find lots of diy woodworking projects online.你知道,我更是那种自己动手的人,嗯You know I'm more of a do-it-yourself kind of guy.yeah.选择自己动手做,然后在某个星期天的早晨问自己我这是在哪儿呀。Choose diy and wondering who you are on a sunday morning.一个自己动手的人很快就可掌握。A do-it-yourself can catch on fast.因为有不计其数的教人自己动手做事的书报杂誌出版。For there are countless do-it-yourself publications.自己动手的家俱修理;自己动手做的帆船工具Do-it-yourself home repairs; a do-it-yourself sailboat kit.自己动手的例子中最糟糕的是,有时,The worst thing about the do-it-yourself game is that sometimes“你自己动手,”亚瑟不客气地说。"Do it yourself" said arthur unkindly.是卫维恩自己动手摘下义肢呢,抑或是他从旁协助?Would vivian unstrap her synthetic leg alone or would he help her?我们确认自己是天生的机械师,任何东西都能自己动手製造。We truly believe ourselves to be natural-born mechanics and do-it-yourself-ers.于是买斧头,买锯子,买镰刀,自己动手砍竹子,割茅草,先搭一座茅草棚子……Then she could saw bamboos and cut reeds to set up a shack for the family.最好是我们自己动手修溜冰场。The best thing would be for us to build the skating-rink with our own hands.


自己动手做产品 do-it-yourself products; DIY products; home improvement products; HI products

自己动手做用品店 DIY store

