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呻吟的英文翻译 呻吟英文怎幺说 呻吟的英文例句




    to moan
    to groan

moan [mәun]

    n.呻吟,哀悼,呼啸 vi.发出呻吟声,抱怨,哀悼 vt.呻吟

groan [grәun]

    n.呻吟,歎息 vi.呻吟,受折磨,受压迫发出嘎吱声 vt.呻吟着说


她当场就倒下了,连一声呻吟都没有。She fell dead upon the spot without a groan.“真倒楣,”吉罗德呻吟着,动着长了厚厚一层苦苔的舌头,在焦干的嘴唇上舔了一圈。"Mother of sorrows" moaned gerald moving a thickly furred tongue around parched lips.宝贝你能听到我的呻吟声吗?Oh baby can you hear me moan?别在呻吟了,你这个小老鼠。Stop your squealing you dunghill rat.臣民在其苛政下呻吟的专制暴君们。Petty tyrants whose subjects groan under their misrule.那病人不禁呻吟了一声。A moan escaped the patient.你一会哭喊,一会呻吟。You were crying and moaning.他不住的呻吟开始惹火了我。His incessant moaning started to annoy me.他躺在那里呻吟,就像一个囚犯被绑在肢刑架上。He lay there groaning like a prisoner stretched out on the rack.我们听到可怜的痛苦受难的呻吟。We heard piteous sounds of suffering and pain.习惯了无病呻吟,把无聊演绎成一种情调,I accustom myself to make a fuss about an imaginary illness let the tommyrot become a kind sentiment


发出呻吟 groan out

呻吟着说出 groan out

因...而呻吟 groan with

在...情况下呻吟 groan beneath; groan under

