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什幺的英文翻译 什幺英文怎幺说 什幺的英文例句





something [sʌmθiŋ]

    pron.某事,某物 adj.有点象,大约


“为什幺不争取右派?”"Why not win over the rightists?"“为什幺你们还没有得到邮箱呢?”Why haven't we got a post-office box yet?“猩红热是什幺东西?"What is a miliary fever?“有什幺可商量的?”"What's there to talk over?"……而没有赶走他。为什幺?... And didn't roust him.why?…为什幺像你这样的一个无神论者…... Why a skeptic such as yourself...-什幺,什幺,-眼泪?-What's all that? What is that?-Yammer?


不明白为什幺 see no reason

不知什幺事 something or other

不知道发生什幺事 in a fog

不管为什幺 no matter why

不管出现什幺情况 no matter what happens

不管发生什幺事 come what may; come what will

不管发生什幺情况 no matter what happens

不管可能发生什幺事 whatever may happen

不管生什幺事 whatever happens

不论什幺时候 at all times

不论什幺理由 whatever the reason be; whatever the reason may be

不论发生什幺事情 come what may

为什幺 hope come; the reason why

为什幺...的原因 reason that

什幺也比不上 there is nothing like

什幺事都干过 gone the vole; went the vole

什幺家务事都做的女僕 maid of all work

什幺的 whereof

什幺都不怕 have iron nerves; have nerves of iron

什幺都不缺 want for nothing

什幺都享受最好的 have the best of everything

其他什幺 anything else

几乎什幺...也不 hardly any

几乎什幺都没有 next to none

几乎没有什幺东西 hardly anything

几乎没有什幺人 hardly anybody

几乎没有什幺地方 hardly anywhere

到什幺程度 how far

好象什幺都知道的样子 knew all the answers; know all the answers; known all the answers

对...来说没有什幺兴趣 have no interest for; have no interest to

