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神经毒气的英文翻译 神经毒气英文怎幺说 神经毒气的英文例句



[shénjīng dúqì]

    nerve gas

nerve [nә:v]

    n.神经,胆量,勇气,叶脉 vt.鼓起勇气

gas [gæs]

    n.气体,煤气,毒气,汽油,[矿]瓦斯 [军] Gunners Auxiliary-Sight,炮长辅助瞄準镜


他们有没有神经毒气的线索?Do they have any active leads on the nerve gas?关于神经毒气失窃的事That nerve gas is out there.恐怖分子拥有军用级神经毒气These terrorists have possession of a military-grade nerve agent.帕利塞德公司派人来喷了些神经毒气Palisade sent the boys in.sprayed the place with nerve agent.潜艇的通风系统中释放了sentox神经毒气The sub's ventilation system with sentox nerve gas.潜艇会施放神经毒气“寂静之夜”The submarine's purpose is to deploy a nerve agent called silent night.如果神经毒气释放到通风系统中If this nerve agent is released into the ventilation system是关于神经毒气罐的Something about a nerve gas canister.释放所有的神经毒气。All the sentox nerve gas.现在你们吸入的是一种致命的神经毒气Right now you are breathing in a deadly nerve agent.也与神经毒气被盗有关Is also involved with the nerve gas以防止神经毒气的释放For the release of the nerve gas.以用来生产sentox神经毒气Used to create sentox nerve gas.在神经毒气进入之前必须降低psiPsi would have to be lowered before the gas was introduced.


神经毒气 nerve gas

