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子时的英文翻译 子时英文怎幺说 子时的英文例句



[zǐ shí]

    11 pm-1 am


    prep.是,在 n.A.M.上午,午前 [域] Armenia ,亚美尼亚 [军] Amplitude Modulation,调幅 (AM) 调幅 (amplitude modulation)


当我吮吸她的脖子时…When l suck on her neck...当我擤鼻子时,耳朵里有吱吱声。When I blow my nose my ears squeak.顶层的、不受控制的表单已经被创建。当系统调用该钩子时,视窗存在。A top-level unowned window has been created.the window exists when the system calls this hook.您在等桌子时是否愿意到休息室去喝杯鸡尾酒?Will you like to have a cocktail in our lounge while you waiting?如上所述,物体失去电子时带正电荷。As mentioned above an object has positive charge when it has lost electrons.四年之后,他创造了第一次原子核的链反应,带领我们进入了原子时代。Four years later he produced the first nuclear chain reaction leading us into the nuclear age.他吃饺子时总是在醋中加一些芝麻油。He always adds some sesame oil into the vinegar while eating dumplings.他刮鬍子时割伤了。He nicked himself while shaving.我发现4步可以赶上大部分的落地球。更多的步子时你就是在奔跑中击球了。I've found that4steps reaches most groundstroke situations.more steps and you're hitting on-the-run.我们是孩子时曾有个树上小屋,我们常在那儿一玩就是几个小时。A tree fern is a large tropical fern with a trunk-like stem.研究到有较高核电荷的分子时glsmo的参数k将增加。As we go to molecules with higher nuclear charge the parameter k for the gls mo will increase.由于方向混淆不清,我们找他的房子时,迷了路。We were thrown off the track in looking for his house by some confusing directions.


原子时 atomic time, AT

原子时代 atomic age

国际原子时 International Atomic Time, TAI由国际计量局综合全球数十个实验室的近二百台原子钟的读数,通过一定演算法平均而得的时间计量系统。

国际原子时标 international atomic time scale

孢子时期 spore phase孢子期

标準原子时 standard atomic time

电子时代 electronic age

电子时计 electronic chronometer

跳跃原子时 stepped atomic time

