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自留的英文翻译 自留英文怎幺说 自留的英文例句



[zì liú]


retention [ri'tenʃ(ә)n]



我其实不喜欢被独自留下。I do not really fancy being left alone.她害怕独自留在家里。She feared staying home alone.把价银私自留下几分,他的妻子也知道,其余的几分,拿来放在使徒脚前。But a certain man named ananias with sapphira his wife got money for his property把价银私自留下几分,他的妻子也知道,其余的几分拿来放在使徒脚前。Now a man named ananias together with his wife sapphira also sold a piece of property.来稿一律不退,请自留底稿。Contributions are not returned.please keep the original draft yourself.吴师姊在埔里开素食餐馆,当晚因故独自留在餐馆里过夜。At the time of the earthquake sister wu was operating a vegetarian restaurant in puli.


保险规定自留部分 obligatory self insurance

净自留部分条款 net retained lines clause

净自留额部分条款 net retained lines clause

拥有和支配自留资金 keep and budget funds which the enterprises are entitled to retain

最终实际自留 ultimate net retention

自留保险费 self-retained premium

自留地 plot of cropland retained for private needs; privately farmed plot of cropland

自留山 hill retained for private needs; privately farmed hilly land

自留本 home copy

自留畜 privately owned livestock; livestock for personal needs

自留责任保险单 retention policy

自留责任额 net line; retention

自留资金 funds retained by enterprise; funds an enterprise is entitled to retain; retained funds; one''s retained funds; retain one''s funds; allow enterprises to) retain a part of funds at their disposal

自留限额表 retention table

自留预备费结余不上交 surplus reserve funds can be kept by local governments)

自留额 retention

