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    to polish

deliberate [di'libәreit]

    adj.深思熟虑的,故意的,预有準备的 v.商讨

polish [pәuliʃ]

    n.磨光,光泽,上光剂,优雅,精良 vt.擦亮,发亮,磨光,推敲 vi.发亮,变光滑 adj.波兰的 n.波兰人 Polish 波兰(Poland)的


我还是让唐•弗雷和哈尔•斯帕里奇再磋磨一番。Still I assigned don frey and hal sperlich to play with the idea.我们将和有关方面磋商此事。We will take up the matter with the party concerned.这个国家如果拒绝参加政治磋商的话,它将在外交上面临被排斥的局面。The country faces diplomatic ostracism if it refuses to join the political negotiations.


事先磋商 prior consultation; preliminary consultation

交易磋商 business consultation; negotiation of business

他们未与主要有关人员磋商 reckon without their host

他未与主要有关人员磋商 reckon without his host

你们未与主要有关人员磋商 reckon without your host

例行磋商 customary consultation

共同磋商 joint consultation

她未与主要有关人员磋商 reckon without her host

完全磋商 full consultation

我们未与主要有关人员磋商 reckon without our host

我未与主要有关人员磋商 reckon without my host

探讨性磋商 exploratory consultations

政府间积极磋商 intensive intergovernmental consulations

机构间定期磋商 regular interagency consultations

直接磋商 immediate consultation

磋商 consult with; drive a bargain

磋商合约 negotiation of contract

磋商合约条款 negotiation of contract terms

私下磋商 private consultation

简化磋商 simplified consultation

