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acne [ækni]



痤疮疤痕能严重影响一个人的自我形象和情感状态。Acne scarring can have serious effects on a person's self-image and emotional state.痤疮发生时,有一个过度分泌的皮脂,这种物质来自毛囊。Acne occurs when there is an excessive secretion of sebum a substance from the hair follicles.棱锥多面形的底痤和三角形的侧面在一个共同点处相接的固体的轮廓A solid figure with a polygonal base and triangular faces that meet at a common point.囊肿型痤疮往往导致皮肤凹陷或留下疤痕。Cystic acne usually results in deep pitting or scarring of the skin.皮肤科不能认同的最佳痤疮护肤产品或最好的饮食痤疮。Dermatologists cannot agree on the best acne skin care product or the best diet for acne.丘疹,小胞疱皮肤上的红色小疱,常由痤疮、丘疹或小脓疱引起A small red swelling of the skin usually caused by acne; a papule or pustule.水果分泌酵素,帮助扑灭痤疮。Fruits secrete enzymes that help fight acne.他痤疮开始变红,并加大在不到五分钟。His acne begins to redden and intensify in less that five minutes.医生建议要以痤疮疤痕护肤霜后例行方法。Doctors suggest that one should use the acne scar cream following a routine skin care method.做金黄色葡萄球菌感染导致痤疮的惨剧?Do staph infections cause acne breakouts?


化妆品痤疮 cosmetic acne

囊肿性痤疮 cystic acne

坏死性痤疮 acne necrotica

寻常痤疮 acne vulgaris, common acne

恶病质性痤疮 acne cachecticorum

抗痤疮药 anti-acne drug

接触性痤疮 contact acne, acne venenate

新生儿痤疮 neonatal acne

月经前痤疮 premenstrual acne

痘样痤疮 acne varioliformis

痤疮 acne

痤疮样痣 nevus acneiformis

瘢痕疙瘩性痤疮 acne keloidalis

粟粒坏死性痤疮 acne necrotica miliaris

结节性痤疮 acne nodosum

职业性痤疮 occupational acne

聚合性痤疮 acne conglobata

脓疱性痤疮 pustular acne

鹅颈痤 gooseneck band

