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生气勃勃的英文翻译 生气勃勃英文怎幺说 生气勃勃的英文例句




    full of vitality

full [ful]

    n.全部,完整 adj.充满的,完全的,丰富的,完美的,详尽的,丰满的 adv.完全地,整整,十分 vt.把衣服缝得宽大

vitality [vai'tæliti]



他的生气勃勃的活力使他成为一个艺术家。The vital spark in him makes him an artist.在回来的路上他碰到一群生气勃勃的年轻人。On his way back he fell into a group of young men who were full of vitality.他虽年事已高,但仍生气勃勃,精力旺盛。For all his year, he is none the less active and energetic.好书是一个生气勃勃者的活力来源。A good book is the precious life-blood of master spirit.喝一点酒他就会生气勃勃。A little wine can animate him a lot.钟斯讚赏那种生气勃勃、亲自动手的管理作风。Jones favours a dynamic hands-on style of management.他心中仍旧认为她身材丰满、面色红润、生气勃勃、还有点邋遢。He still pictured her as buxom high-colored lively and a little blowsy.她的女儿,珍妮是一个生气勃勃的姑娘。Her daughter jenny was a brisk girl.难道人们看不出来,一个如此生气勃勃的姑娘很快就会被威洛比那样的男人搞得死气沉沉吗?Could not one see that so sprightly a girl would soon be deadened by a man like willoughby?他生气勃勃,富有感情,精力充沛,是一个兴趣广泛而又有才能的男孩子。He was a very spirited sentimental energetic boy of wide interests and talent.他是个生气勃勃的年轻政治家,似乎是可以寄託国家的希望的人。As a young and spirited politician he seems a worthy vessel for the nation's hopes.一个身材不高、整洁潇洒、生气勃勃的人。A small man brisk and natty.


生气勃勃 animal spirits; up and coming

