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字标的英文翻译 字标英文怎幺说 字标的英文例句



[zì biāo]

    word mark

word [wә:d]

    n.字,词,话,消息,诺言,命令 vt.为...措辞

mark [ma:k]

    n.标誌,分数,痕迹,记号 vt.做标记于,打分数,标誌 vi.作记号 Mark 马克(男子名)


该公司将其销售数位标在这张方格纸上The firm plots its sales figures on this special squared paper.在(报纸的)头版上出现了一条令人触目惊心的粗黑体大字标题。A bold black headline screamed out from the front page.扉页上的大字标题为的是吸引你注意里面的详细内容。A headline on the front page draws attention to the fuller story inside.大字标题通常用大号铅字排印的新闻报导的标题或题目The title or caption of a newspaper article, usually set in large type.预设情况下,所有类都是可继承的,除非用notinheritable关键字标记。By default all classes are inheritable unless marked with the notinheritable keyword.避免使用複杂的数位标注方法,比如3。2。1等等。2avoid Complicating numbering further with3.2.1etc.


保护性红十字标誌 protective Red Cross mark;protective heraldic emblem of Red Cross

大字标题 splash headline

数字标度盘 digital dial

数位标记 numerical symbols

文字标号 literal symbol

用大字标题登出 go into headline

用红字标明的 red letter

红十字标誌 heraldic emblem of the Red Cross

表明性红十字标誌 indicative heraldic emblem of the Red Cross

路面文字标记 pavement lettering marking

高速字标管 typotron

