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dregs [dregz]


sediment [sedimәnt]



3被人譭谤,我们就善劝;我们成了世界上的污秽,万物中的渣滓,直到如今。3defamed We exhort.we have become as the offscouring of the world the scum of all things until now.“而我当过投机商当过拥护共和党的白人渣滓当过北方佬的同伙你忘了,巴特勒太太?"When I was a speculator? A scallawag? A consorter with yankees?45你使我们在万民中成为污秽和渣滓。Thou hast made us as the offscouring and refuse in the midst of the people.45你使我们在众民中成为污秽和渣滓。You have made us offscouring and refuse in the midst of the peoples.哀3:45你使我们在万民中成为污秽和渣滓。You have made us mere offscouring and refuse in the midst of the peoples.被人譭谤,我们就善劝;我们成了世界上的污秽,万物中的渣滓,直到如今。Defamed we exhort.we have become as the offscouring of the world the scum of all things until now.还有些具黏性的渣滓Some kind of adhesive residue too.那些人是社会渣滓。Those men are the scum of the earth.他父亲讨厌他跟像他们那样的社会渣滓一起旅行。His father hated him traveling with trash like them.他们是人世间的渣滓。They're the scum of the earth.由于离合器衬里的渣滓特性,开始时将出现大量磨损。Due to the settling behaviour of the clutch lining the wear will appear to be greater at the outset.造成整个乱子的主要是当地的社会渣滓。It was mainly the riff-raff o f the place that caused all the trouble.渣滓在炼油或提炼其它液体过程中产生的沉澱物;残渣Sediment that forms during the refining of oil and other liquids; dregs.


有渣滓的 dreggy

渣滓 sediment; sullage

渣滓油泵 scum pump

渣滓油罐 scum vessel

社会渣滓 scum of society; scum of the earth

