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住院的英文翻译 住院英文怎幺说 住院的英文例句




    to be in hospital
    to be hospitalized

hospital [hɔspit(ә)l]



他患心悸最后不得不住院。He ended up in hospital with heart palpitations.她的病情迅速恶化,她于3月20日在金边住院。Her condition deteriorated rapidly and she was hospitalized in phnom penh on20march.我妹妹得脑膜炎住院了。My sister is in hospital with meningitis.我想请神经外科住院医师下楼到这儿来。I would get the neurosurgery resident down here.小张突然得了急性心肌炎,正在住院治疗。Xiao zhang suddenly got acute myocarditis and is in hospital for treatment.星期一我要住院动手术。I'm going in for my op on monday.摘要目的:精神科住院常是处理自杀行为的治疗模式之一。Objectives: psychiatric hospitalization is one of the treatment methods for severe suicide attempts.这种保险单为住院医疗费和专家门诊费提供无限保险。This policy gives unlimited cover for hospital charges and specialist fees.住院的aj在后街最后的巡迴中彻底地崩溃了。Resident bad boy aj mclean had a very public breakdown at the end of the last backstreet tour.


住院 hospitalization

住院 hospitalization

住院津贴 hospitalization benefit

住院病人多相精神病量表 inpatient multidimensional psychiatric scale, IMPS

住院病人护士观察量表 nurse observation scale for inpatient evaluation, NOSIE

住院部 ward

住院鑒定 hospitalization appraisement

包括住院 including hospitalization

强制住院 compulsory hospitalization

必要时住院 hospitalize if necessary

