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生计的英文翻译 生计英文怎幺说 生计的英文例句





livelihood [laivlihud]



一种用于产生计算和控制用时基的装置,例如数位钟。A device used to develop a time base for calculations and control e.g. a digital clock.有俸职位有固定资产以维持生计的宗教职位A church office endowed with fixed capital assets that provide a living.这些移民一到就能找到生计。The emigrant found his livelihood almost immediately on arrival.工业毁了乡村工匠的生计。Industry has destroyed the livelihood of village artisans.马来西亚将利用罪恶税收入资助卫生计昼Malaysia uses sin tax to fund health care programme那些像大学预科生的年轻人玩得正痛快呢,但是他们将来怎样维持自己的生计呢?Those preppies are having fun now but how will they support themselves?社会保障也只能提供少量的维持生计之物。Social security provided only a bare subsistence.他仅靠一点微薄收入维持生计。They work all day for a mere pittance.他是个小农户,很穷的庄稼人,勉强维持生计。He is a small farmer a very poor farmer barely making a living.她成了寡妇而失去了生计。The widow was left unprovided for.为了生计,他準备接受任何有酬报的杂活。He is prepared to make a living by accepting any remunerative chore.以维持我父亲的生计。To pay for my father's sustenance.用于产生电脑输出缩微胶片的设备。A device used to produce computer output on microfilm.


家庭生计维持费 cost of maintaining a household

形成派生计画 formulating derivative plans

毕生计 density meter

派生计画 derivative program

生计 means of subsistence; subsistence

自谋生计 fend for; shift for herself; shift for himself; shift for myself; shift for ourselves; shift for themselves; shift for yourself; shift for yourselves

营生计 go in and out

