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注视的英文翻译 注视英文怎幺说 注视的英文例句




    to watch attentively
    to gaze

watch [wɔtʃ]

    n.注视,注意,手錶,看守,守护,监视,值班人 vt.看,注视,照顾,监视,警戒,守护,看守 vi.观看,注视,守侯 adj.手錶的,挂表的



gaze [geiz]

    v.盯,凝视 n.凝视


她注视着窗外,身体有节奏地来回摇摆着。She was gazing out the window rocking rhythmically to and fro.她注视着一群海鸥在她头上盘旋。She watched aflock of seagulls wheeling around above her.我注视着跳舞的人旋转。I watched the dancers twirling.要密切注视这一新的领域,有朝一日地球的蒸气热可以供你们取暖。Keep your eye on this frontier; steam heat from the earth may one day help keep you warm.用注视使颤抖或者服从。Cause to waver or submit by or as if by staring.怎幺也不回答我的注视,To mine they ne'er reply总统总是对国会密切注视。As always the president kept a weather eye on the capitol hill.


中心注视 central fixation

从...方面注视 regard from

低灌注视网膜病变 hypoperfusion retinopathy

单眼注视 monocular fixation

双眼注视 binocular fixation

大家注视的 the observed of all observers

密切注视 keep a close watch on; keep an eye on; keep an eye upon; kept a close watch on; kept an eye on; kept an eye upon

扫掠注视 saccadic fixation

旁中心注视 paracentral fixation

注视 gaze at; keep an eye on; keep an eye up on; keeps an eye on; keeps an eye up on; kept an eye on; kept an eye up on; rivet attention on; rivet attention up on

注视抑制指数 ocular fixation index, OFI

注视点 fixation point

注视眼 fixating eye

注视着 am on the watch for; are on the watch for; is on the watch for; was on the watch for; were on the watch for

留神注视着的 lidless

