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cicada [si'ka:dә; (-) si'keidә]



有只蝉在橡胶树下麵。A cicada sat at the base of the gum tree.蝉翼藤茎中有机酸成分的研究。Organic acid constituents from the stem of securidaca inappendiculata hassk.蝗虫或蝉发出振动的声音。Make a vibrant noise of grasshoppers or cicadas.男孩子们在林子里用网捕捉蝉。The boys were netting cicadas in the woods.它们是用不同的材料做的,白云石、硬丝、蝉翼纱等。They are made from different materials--dolomite tough silk organdie etc.她穿着一件白色蝉翼纱上衣。She wore a white organdy blouse.


人丝蝉翼纱 rayon organdy

伊利特拉蝉翼纱 elytra cloth

伊利特拉蝉翼纱 elytra cloth

叶蝉散 isoprocarb

奥甘迪蝉翼纱 organdie

条丝蝉翼纱 rayon organdy striped

棉叶蝉 cotton leafhopper, Empoasca biguttula Shiraki

泡泡蝉翼绉 cloqué organdy

瑞士蝉翼纱 chiffon Swiss organdy

瑞士蝉翼绉 Swiss crepe organdy

花色蝉翼纱 figured organdy

茶小绿叶蝉 tea lesser leafhopper, Empoasca pirisuga Matsumura

蜡蝉亚目 Fulgoromorpha蜡蝉亚目

蝉亚目 Cicadomorpha蝉亚目

蝉形阔领带 ascot

蝉翼纱 chiffonette cicador gauze organdy lawn Swiss organdy

蝉翼藤皮纤维 buaze fibre

蝉花 cicada fungus

蝉虫草 Cordyceps cicadae

蝉蜕 cicada ecdysis cicada slough

蝉衣 cicada shell periostracum cicadae

金蝉衣 cicada slough

霜纹蝉翼纱 frosted organdy

高赞德蝉翼纱 Gauzanda

高赞德蝉翼纱 Gauzanda

黄蝉 oleander allemanda, Allemanda neriifolia Hook.

黑尾叶蝉 rice leafhopper, Nephotettix cincticeps Uhler)

