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胜负的英文翻译 胜负英文怎幺说 胜负的英文例句




    victory or defeat
    the outcome of a battle

victory [viktәri]


defeat [di'fi:t]

    n.击败,战胜,失败 vt.击败,战胜,使失败,挫折 v.击败

outcome [autkʌm]


battle [bæt(ә)l]

    n.战役(指大规模会战),战争 vi.作战,战斗,搏斗,斗争


此场比赛由一点球决定胜负。The game was won on a penalty goal.但是其实我们未分胜负But we went toe to toe.好啦,我赢了这决定胜负的最后一墩牌了。Well I've got the odd trick.就此决出胜负,胜者依旧是永不败的... For the winner by split decision and still undefeated...如果你敢于把你所有赢得的东西只用投硬币来决定胜负,If you can make one heap of all your winnings and risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss瑞典队现在赢得了决定胜负的最后一分。The swede now has match point.他们说每组的优胜队相互之间要打七场比赛以决胜负。They say that the top teams in each group play off seven games against each other.谈判不成,他们便开始通过舆论工具来一决胜负。Unable to negotiate they began to slug it out in the media.特洛伊之战激烈残酷,持续了九年,双方各有胜负。For nine years the trojan war raged with varying fortunes for both sides.细节会决定比赛,我想胜负就是一个球。It will be settled on small details maybe just the one goal or a set piece.现在你输了这决定胜负的最后一墩牌了。Now you have lost the odd trick.这场比赛结果不分胜负。The game ended in a tie.这个点球将会决定比赛的胜负And the penalty kick will decide the game.这一场大海战,胜负取决于四个因素。The great sea fight turned on four elements.


不分胜负 be quits with; break even; tie with

与...决胜负 try conclusions with

当作互无胜负 call it square

打到分出胜负为止 slug it out

打到分胜负 slog it out

胜负 battle it out

胜负比率 won lost percentage

胜负相抵 cried quits; cry quits

辩论与...决一胜负 tried conclusions with

