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捉住的英文翻译 捉住英文怎幺说 捉住的英文例句




    to catch
    to grapple with
    to hold onto

catch [kætʃ]

    n.捕捉,捕获物,(窗)钩 v.捕获,赶上(车船等),发觉,感染(疾病) vi.抓住,燃着

grapple [græp(ә)l]



她在超级市场偷窃化妆品时被捉住了。She was caught lifting make-up from the supermarket.他被捉住反绑着双臂。He was held with his arms pinioned together behind his back.捉住的有三个企图逃走。Three of the captives tried to escape.他正要离开该国时,警方把他捉住了。The police picked him up as he was trying to leave the country.当窃贼开窗子的时候,员警冷不防地捉住了他。The policeman took the burglar by surprise as he opened the window.员警把小偷捉住了。The policeman collared the thief.蛛网好象要捉露点,却捉住了苍蝇。The cobweb pretends to catch dewdrops and catches flies.被我老公下班回来当场捉住My husband caught him red-handed.假使马贵特所遇到的鱼和这条不相上下的话,他就会捉住它。If marquette's fish was the fellow to that one he would catch it.员警当场就把她捉住,人赃俱在。The police caught her fairly on the hop with all the stolen property in her possession.有一个孩子偷了人家的猪肉馅饼!捉住他!A boy with somebody-else's pork pie! Stop him!捉住了米甸人的两个首领,一名俄立,一名西伊伯。They also captured two of the midianite leaders oreb and zeeb.


急忙捉住 clap hold of; clapped hold of

捉住 seizure

捉住控制住佔据 take hold of

