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[shèng yuē]


covenant [kʌvәnәnt]

    n.契约,盟约 v.缔结(盟约),立约


《圣约翰福音》第9章第4节。The gospel of st john ch9v415日将在圣约瑟教堂为他举行安魂弥撒。There will be a requiem mass for him at st joseph's church on the15th.伯纳葛佛瑞圣约翰德莱尼... Bernard godfrey saint john delaney...登记参加圣约翰的进修课程For an advanced study program at saint john's.旧约教授,曾任教于圣约神学院,惠敦大学。Er professor covenant seminary and wheaton college.玛塞拉在圣约里划线的一段反映了这点:This reflected a passage that marcella had underlined in our bible:美国加州圣约金流域和内华达山脉持续降雨。Light rain continue to fall in parts of california's san joaquin valley and sierra nevada mountains.圣约翰博斯科是都灵的守护神。St.john bosco is the patron saint of turin.圣约翰是耶稣十二门徒之一。Saint john is one of the twelve disciples of jesus.十字架的圣约翰的奥秘神学着述。The mystical writings of st john of the cross现在存在在义大利都灵市的圣约翰大教堂的皇家小教堂里面。It is presently kept in the royal chapel of the cathedral of saint john the baptist in turin italy.新约中圣约翰牧师的启示。Revelations of saint john the divine in the new testament.

