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侧壁的英文翻译 侧壁英文怎幺说 侧壁的英文例句



[cè bì]

    side wall

side [said]

    n.边,旁边,面,侧面,胁,一方,(一个)方面,摆架子 adj.旁边的,侧面的,副的,枝节的 vi.站在同一边

wall [wɔ:l]

    n.墙壁,围墙,似墙之物 adj.墙壁的 vt.围以墙


鼻肌横部提供外侧壁硬度,甚至做为扩张肌。The pars transversa provides lateral wall rigidity and can even be a dilatory muscle.将弓形支撑件推到螺杆上并将弓形支撑件支到轮胎侧壁上。Push support bow onto the threaded rod and support it on the tyre sidewall.轮胎侧壁上还提供了有关正确安装轮胎的说明。Instructions for correct mounting of the tyres are also given on the tyre sidewall.门)网膜韧带在硬膜囊内把神经前后根固定在硬膜侧壁上。Arachnoid ligaments fixed nerve root inside dura.双侧壁导坑法施工工序示意图见图5。7。2。See fig.5.7.2for the construction process schematic diagram of double-side heading method.眼眶骨膜从眼眶内侧壁剥离。The orbital periosteum is elevated from medial wall of the orbir.


侧壁 sidewall

侧壁全开式集装箱 open side container

侧壁外吃水 outdraft of sidewalls

侧壁孔 areole, areolar pore

侧壁导坑法 side heading method

侧壁导洞法 side heading method

侧壁式汽垫船 side-wall air-cushion vehicle

侧壁筛检程式 side-wall filter

侧壁採样 n. side wall sample

侧壁钻机 side-wall drill

侧壁阻力 sidewall resistance

内侧壁 medial wall

双侧壁导洞法 twin-side heading method

外侧壁 lateral wall

带侧壁的 sideskegged

烟囱收缩侧壁 chimney wing

眶外侧壁切开术 lateral orbitotomy

门窗侧壁 jamb

