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绳梯的英文翻译 绳梯英文怎幺说 绳梯的英文例句



[shéng tī]

    a rope ladder

rope [rәup]

    n.绳,索,绳索 v.围起

ladder [lædә(r)]

    n.梯子,阶梯 vi.袜子抽丝,装设梯子


水手们在上岸之前做好了绳梯。The sailors finished rattling down before going ashore.你船须将绳梯装在右舷侧。You must rig jacob's ladder on starboard side.“是的,先生,是一条绳梯和一些工具。”"Yes sir a rope-ladder and tools."“一条绳梯和一些工具?”"A rope-ladder and some tools?"“这是绳梯,”奶妈悲伤地回答道。This is the rope ladder" replied the nurse sadly.而这绳梯本是在我的新婚之夜让他用来爬上楼和我相会,And this rope ladder! It was meant for him to join me on my wedding night.他从船栏杆上吊起一架绳梯。He suspended a rope-ladder from the rail of the ship.我会派人带一条绳梯过去,这样今晚我就可以和我的妻子在一起。I will send somebody around with a rope ladder so that I can be with my wife tonight.我早就告诉过斯朗不要割断绳梯。I told sloan he shouldn't cut that rope ladder.我则必须在这里等候有人送来绳梯,以便那位男士今天晚上可以爬上来这里和你共渡。I have to wait here for a rope ladder for that man to climb up here and be with you later tonight.


木踏板绳梯 jacob''s ladder

绳梯 rope ladder; ratline

绳梯横索 n. ratlines

钢丝绳梯 steel cable ladder

