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詹的英文翻译 詹英文怎幺说 詹的英文例句



    surname Zhan

surname [sә:neim]

    n.姓 v.用姓称呼


我们的新主教是尊贵的詹姆斯泰勒主教。Our new bishop is the right reverend james taylor.我们在帕尔玛尔和圣詹姆斯街的交叉口会面了。We met up at the junction of pall mall and st james's street.于1685年举兵反叛其叔父詹姆斯二世的蒙茅斯公爵。The duke of monmouth who rebelled against his uncle james h in1685.再见,詹姆士,保持联络So long james.keep in touch.在副总统詹森陪同下Accompanied by vice-president lyndon johnson在下面选文中,詹姆士阐述了实用主义的真理理论。In the following excerpt james describes the pragmatic theory of truth.尊敬的詹姆斯•史密斯议员。The hon.james smith member of parliament


圣·詹姆士的后庭 Court of St. James

庞詹蓝色平布 punjam

庞詹蓝色平布 punjam

氯巴詹 clobazam

洛芬达詹 lofendazam

珍那牌手錶 Jenna

珍那牌手錶 Jenna

约翰.詹姆斯爱尔兰威士忌酒 John Jameson

詹妮纺纱机 spinning jenny

詹姆斯束 James tract

詹姆森浮选机 Jameson flotation machine

詹纳斯绿 Janus green

詹金斯棉 Jenkins cotton

詹金斯棉 Jenkins cotton

阿詹泰有光粘胶长丝 Argentea

阿詹泰有光粘胶长丝 Argentea

