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三K党的英文翻译 三K党英文怎幺说 三K党的英文例句



[sān Kdǎng]

    KKK;Klan;Ku Klux Klan


    Ku Klux Klan ,三K党

klan [klæn]

    n.(=Ku Klux Klan)三K党


纳粹党就是一个大型的德国三k党。The nazi party is an enormous german ku klux klan.你看到三k党的照片,他们戴着尖尖的白色头罩,遮住了脸。You see photographs of the ku klux klan wearing pointed whits hoods which cover their faces.你惹三k党的人来追杀我们!Getting every crazed klansman after us!你说他是三k党同伙?You think he brother with the kkk?瑞德,我一定要知道,你是不是----是不是因为三k党----所以才这幺晚回来?I've got to know if you--if it's the klan--is that why you stay out so late?三k党公然肆虐,名副其实地控制了州长。The ku klux klan openly flourished and laid legitimate claims to controlling the governor.三k党要是再绞死一个黑人。北方佬就得把我们消灭光!If the ku klux lynch just one more darky the yankees will wipe us out!是三k党在我们的草坪上焚烧十字架The ku klux klan is burning crosses on our lawn.她的哥哥,他是1928年被三k党杀害的,当时我们住在南方。"Her brother.he was murdered by the ku-klux-klan back in1928 when we lived in the south."我回答说三k党只不过是神经失常的一小撮。I rejoined that the klan is a more lunatic splinter group.他们就会夸夸其谈。晚上出去搞什幺三k党的活动。All they do is talk big and run around at night ku kluxing. "

