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升水的英文翻译 升水英文怎幺说 升水的英文例句



[shēng shuǐ]


premium [pri:miәm]



一公升气体的品质少于一公升水的品质。A liter of而如果远期外汇比即期外汇价值高,我们就称其为升水,And if the value of the forward exchange is higher than the spot exchange we quote it at premium.完全正确。外币的远期升水意味着本币的远期就是贴水。Exactly. A forward premium on foreign currency means a forward discount on domestic currency.直接标出的汇率是按升水或贴水的点调整的即期汇率。The outright rate is the spot rate adjusted by the points of discount or premium.


升水 premium; report; premium on currency

升水、贴水与平价 premium; discount and parity

升水与贴水标价法 premium and discount method

升水债券 premium bond

升水市场 premium market

升水或贴水日 contango or making up day

升水日 contango day

升水泵 lift pump

升水溢价 at premium

升水率 rate of premium

升水行市 premium quotation

升水货币 premium currency

双层提升水闸 double sluice gate

外汇升水 exchange premium

投资升水 investment premium

摊提贴水、升水及债券发行费 amortization of discount, premium and bond issuance expense

每日保险费,每日升水,每日贴水 daily premium

每日升水 daily premium

现货升水 backwardation

现货升水,现货溢价 backwardation

美元升水 dollar premium

股票升水 premium on capital stock

螺旋升水器 Archimedean screw

转换升水,转换溢价 convertible premium

远期升水 forward premium

金币升水政策 gold premium policy

风险保险费,风险升水,风险溢价 risk premium

高于票面价值有升水 par above at a premium

黄金升水 premium on gold

