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寸步的英文翻译 寸步英文怎幺说 寸步的英文例句



[cùn bù]

    a single step;a tiny step

single [siŋg(ә)l]

    adj.单一的,单身的,单纯的,孤独的,专一的,个别的 n.一个,单打,单精确度型 vt.选出 vi.[棒]作一垒打

step [step]

    n.脚步,步幅,步调,步伐,步骤,措施,梯级,台阶 v.走,举步,移步,踏 产品资料转换规範


旅行时带着两个孩子和一个沉重的手提箱, 真是寸步难移。Travelling is difficult when you're encumbered with two small children and a heavy suitcase.国际法这一领域, 不熟悉其複杂性则寸步难行International law is a minefield for anyone not familiar with its complexity.他如胶似漆地寸步不离开她。He sticks to her like glue, ie never leaves her.那条街被车堵得寸步难行。The street is clogged with cars.是啊,她就快寸步不离了Well she tends to be a little clingy.由此,“现实主义者们”逐渐适应并对伊朗人的冥顽不化,寸步不让採取了默许态度。So the "realists" are adapting to the reality of iranian intransigence.她住在病房里,寸步不离,除非是在夜间去匆匆休息几个小时。She lived in the sick-room never quitting it except to snatch a few hours'rest at night.我遇上了高峰时刻的车辆,寸步难行。I got caught in the rush-hour traffic.

