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生事的英文翻译 生事英文怎幺说 生事的英文例句



[shēng shì]

    make trouble; create a disturbance

make [meik]

    vt.製造,安排,使成为,认为,产生,获得,进行,构成 vi.开始,前进,增大,被製造,被处理 n.製造,构造,性情

trouble [trʌb(ә)l]

    n.烦恼,麻烦,动乱,纠纷,疾病,故障,问题 vt.(使)烦恼,麻烦,打扰,麻烦自己,费神,费心

create [kri:'eit]


disturbance [di'stә:bәns]



这一次也许是他一生事业中最最适意的一博。And this one might be the most enjoyable fight of his entire career.火车发生事故时什幺比镇定自若还好?人不在现场。What is better than the presence of mind in a railway accident? The absence of body.他们採取措施防备发生事故。They took precautions against accidents.它们可能被轻钢结构的新生事物和安全的乘客升降机製造。They have been made possible by the development of light steel frames and safe passenger lifts.她的对那天所发生事件流利但不连贯的叙述。Her voluble but disjointed account of the day's events.卫生事业是保障人的生命健康权的必要条件。Public health facilities are a necessary guarantee for the human rights of life and health.我们需要一个新术语来称呼这个新生事物。We want a new term for this new thing.医疗卫生事业蓬勃发展。Medical and health care has grown vigorously.


不发生事故的 trouble free

公共卫生事业 public health service

决算后发生事项 events subsequent to balance sheet date

卫生事务 medical affairs

发生事故 meet with an accident

发生事故的环境 accident environment

如果发生事故 in an emergency

容易发生事故的 accident-prone

文教科学卫生事业费 operating expenses for culture, education, science and public health services

易于发生事故 liable to accident

易于发生事故的工人 accident prone

毕生事业 entire career

生事 wake a sleeping dog

紧急着陆救生事故 emergency landing survival accident

