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    to cut (gems)

cut [kʌt]

    v.切(割、削),(直线等)相交,剪,截,刺穿,刺痛,删节,开闢 n.(刀、剑、鞭等的)切削,削减,删节,伤口,切口


他们被留下来琢磨这项宣告的含义。They were left to ponder on the implications of the announcement.她用了很长时间才琢磨出谁是做坏事的人。It took her a long time to figure out who the wrongdoer was.淘气的小孩和盔甲在在上雕琢平面的清楚水晶与铑被镀的曲棍球棍子。Puck and helmet in faceted clear crystal with rhodium-plated hockey stick.未雕琢的钻石价值要低于那些经过雕琢和成型加工的钻石。Uncut diamonds are worth less than those that have been cut and shaped.我琢磨他到底碰上什幺事了Wonder what happened to that boy.玉灯用和阗青白玉琢制。The jade light is chiselled and made with the sum tian bluish white jade.在上雕琢平面的清楚水晶新月形书桌时钟;可移动的时钟;瑞士精确度时钟运动。Faceted clear crystal crescent desk clock; moveable clock; swiss precision clock movement.只能悲哀地去叼琢水泥地Would only peck the concrete floor.总之,在琢磨命令时Anyway in the pecking order


仿琢石面砖 ashlsr brick

成层琢石 coursed ashlar

琢石 broad stone; cut stone; dimension stone; dressed stone

琢石圬工 ashlar masonry

琢石斧 chhip axe

琢石砌体 ashlar masonry

琢磨 refine

琢边块石 drafted stone

砌琢石 ashlsr facing

粗琢工作 scabbling

粗琢的 quarry pitched

粗琢锤 scabbling hammer

细琢石 fine pointed stone

细琢石砌体 dressed masonry

细琢石路面 dressed stone pavement

船首琢设滑轮 n. bow sheave

贴琢石砌面 ashlsr facing

错缝琢石砌体 broken ashlar masonry

