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    to peck

peck [pek]

    n.啄痕,许多,配克(容量单位,等于2加侖) vt.啄食,扔 vi.啄,吹毛求疵,啄食,扔石头 v.吃一点点


大班啄木鸟便是典型的例子The greater spotted woodpecker is typical of them.那只鸟想啄起那只虫。That bird tried to peck the worm.鸟儿飞出来,啄食花园里挂着的果核。The birds come and peck at the nuts hung up in the garter.然后吸汁啄木鸟便会像其他雀鸟And the sapsucker collects it with its tongue.上面有个啄木鸟的图案It's got on it a woodpecker '我习惯于将被风吹落的水果留给鸟儿们啄食。I tend to leave the windfalls for the birds to pick at.我们看见一只秃鹫正在贪婪地啄食腐尸。We saw a vulture gorging on some rotting carcase.我也就是只啄木鸟而已I'm just a woodpecker.小狐狸被乌鸦啄死了。The fox cub had been pecked to death by crows.一只鲣鱼啄了他一口,他大笑了起来。A bonita struck at his white body and he laughed aloud.有羽冠的啄木鸟现在在增加。Pileated woodpeckers are on the wax now.这鸟啄我一下。The bird gave me a peck.


啄 peck at; pick at

啄食次序 peaking order

鸟啄 unfirm closing

